Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Journal entry # 9

1.- Driving under the alcohol influence can kill you.


3. Driving under the alcohol influence can kill you because it doesn't make you act with sanity.

1.- Women are obsess with their bodies.

2.-Women are obsess with their bodies because they always want to be skinny.

3.-Women are obsess with their bodies because they care about their appearance and

Journal entry # 8

What I see in this image are two people (male to be more specific) drawn in sketch. Where one of them is making laughing or making fun of the other one. The man in the left seems upset. Maybe one of the reasons he is upset could be the other guy making fun of him.

Journal # 7

“Politics and the English Language”

1. In this essay, Orwell suggests that the English language is on the decline because the people who use English are misusing the language. What sort of things does he mention as proof that the English language is in trouble?
- "Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble". He also gives examples of bad writing and what can be avoid.

2. Orwell wrote this essay almost 60 years ago. Do you think the English language is in a better or worse condition than when Orwell wrote his essay? Can you think of modern examples of how people misuse language?
- If he wrote this essay almost 60 years ago and he considered that the English language was in trouble, imagine how can it be now. It's getting worst everyday. People are becoming lazy in speaking and writing. People cut the words in order to speak and talk less. For example, if you want to say: Do you want to go?, now you can say: wanna come?. You see how short the words and sentences are becoming and maybe in the future they'll approve it.

3. What do you think of Orwell’s list of rules to improve your writing?
-That people are using them but in a exaggerated way. Like I said before people cut too much the words.
He also tries to say to be straight forward with your point view and that could be help full.

4. Orwell wrote the following in the provided excerpt:

Probably it is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one's meaning as clear as one can through pictures and sensations. Afterward one can choose -- not simply accept -- the phrases that will best cover the meaning, and then switch round and decide what impressions one's words are likely to make on another person.

What do you think he means when he suggests that one should focus on “pictures and sensations” before one sits down to put words on the page? Have you ever done this? Does it help you write better?

I think what he means is that it's better to see the image first in your head, organize your ideas and then put it in a paper.
What I usually do is that I picture everything that I want to write n my head but sometimes they are many and I can't organize them, so I grab a paper and write them before I forget them and then organize them all together in order to make sense. It helps me the way I do it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Evolution as Fact and Theory"

Questions for Active Reading page 385

1.- "Perfection covers the tracks of past history, and past history the evidence of descent- is our mark of evolution, evolution. lies exposed in the imperfections that record a history of descent."

"Fossils that are not common, and shouldn't be. but not because of our understanding of evolution."

3.- That it's wrong from a writer to expect hat the reader will know everything that you are talking about or knowing about an event. Writer have to expect every tipe of reader and explain every content about their argues. I didn't know about the Scope trial and I still don't know.

"Is the Earth Round or Flat?"

Question fo Active Reading page 371

1.- I would say yes. In the beginning it tells me what I'm going to read or what to expect in the essay. It has good connections and interpretations.

2.- Because he wants to tell the people that he has knowledge about this subject and that he is able to write about different scientist because he knows about this area because he is a scientist. He has to tell the audience that he is one because he writes about a subject that can be missunderstud or not taken seriously. In order for him to make people knoe he is serious he has to tell that he is a science so the audience will have more interest in about reading this essay.

3.- Paragraph 6: "For at least 600 years educated people have believed the earth is round". He is being lighthearted because there is no need to say "educated people", he could just say people in general. For me it is not a good way to do a reference.
In paragraph 5, he talks about Aritotle's proof. That makes him a little bit more serious because he is talking about somebody important and him being a scientist makes people think that he knows what he is talking about.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

"The Maker's Eye: Revising Your own Manuscripts"

Questions for Active Reading page 158

1.- I'm part of the majority of students that don't revise their paper before giving it out. Rereading my project 1 makes me realize that I would change the structure to better. I think I listen to much to my voice that I write what i think and I have to develop it better.

2.- I see Lot's of mistakes like misspelling or in punctuations that at that moment when I wrote it, sounded alright.

3.- Yes, because if you quote somebody some people will not find the connection with what you are writing and the quote because everybody thinks different, but if you explain the quote with your words and the connection you feel it has with the subject it will make more sense.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Bad habits are impossible to break"

Wether it’s biting your fingernails, gossiping about coworkers or eating an entire tub of ice cream whenever you’re angry, everyone has bad habits. Some are harmless (procrastination isn’t a quality many people take pride in, but it’s unlikely to kill anyone) while others, such as smoking, can cause serious problems for you and your family. People say that " bad habits are impossible to break". But what are habits? A habit is any action that we have performed so often that it becomes almost an involuntary response. It's something that we habituate in our daily lives and becomes repetitive. There are two types of habits: the good ones and the bad ones. The good habits are processes that are done in a regular manner that promote positivity in life. For example brushing your teeth three times a day or doing exercise. The bad habits are the totally opposite. These are the ones that are done on a regular basis that do not improve upon or prove to be detrimental to forward movement in life. Can be called the "undesiables". For example, a bad habit can be smoking or drinking too much.
The bad ones are the ones that are given more importance. This is because they can cause an illness or death. They are causing a controversy in the world. People are becoming more worried about them. People spend countless hours and dollars each year attempting to break these bad habits and often do not have any success. Why? Because there is no magic bullet. Change is hard work and there is no short cut to achieving it. But it's certainly not impossible.
How do habits form? Are we the ones thhat make them habits or they become habits by themselfs? The whole reason you formed your habits in the first place is that they filled a need. You had tension that needed relief or you had a desire to surf the net. As you break the old patterns you still need a way to fulfill these needs. You will be not only making an active choice to not do the old action you will also be making a choice to perform a better, alternative action in its place.
Are you agreedable to stop a bad habit? Doctors say that is all in people's mind. They will stop when they are actually willing to do it. There are so many ways to stop a bad habit these days. There are organizations that can help, or even your family well be eager to help you.
Breaking bad habits is like breaking up with a girlfriend; you'll be bored and lonely at first but you'll cherish the long-term benefits. Will it bring you more benefits or it will cause you more stress? People have different points of view. Some think that ending a bad habit will make their life miserable are more stressfull and some others think that ending it will be the best thing that could ever happen to them. Habits make you who you are. People also say that breaking bad habits is like breaking up with a relationship; you'll be bored and lonely at first but you'll cherish the long-term benefits.
People can say things but they will first have to live the moment in order to talk with expirience.
So do you think that it is impossible to break a habit?

How can you define a bad habit?
Do you think everybody has a bad habit?
-Think at least one bad habit that you have (it could be eating too much, smoking, drinking, driving too fast, etc.). Now respond:
-Do you think that bad habit will bring you something positive in the future?
-Are you willing to break that habit?
-Would you try to quit by yourself or would you want to get some help? (it could be organizations, friend, family, etc.)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

In the news..!

It is hard to determine if the accident was with purpose or not. Sometimes the police officers could be more dangerous than the robbers themselves because they feel they have a a lot of power and they can do whatever they want. That is very common to see in some countries. I don;t think it was a racist act. The judge had to make justice and when it comes to justice the colors should not matter.
If all the evidence point him guilty then he should pay for it even though he is saying he is innocent. People lie and the judges should not believe in their word. They have to believe in the evidence and it shouldn't matter if he is a police officer or the city major.