Monday, September 15, 2008

Project 1

The decision that would change my life

Everything happens for a reason. I must have heard this like a hundred times but never realize and thought the actual meaning of it. Now that I did, it is true. My parents got divorce when I was about two years old. I grew up in Venezuela with my mom. Sometime I would spend the weekends with my dad. He was still a little bit immature for his age. He wasn’t ready for all the responsibilities, but for me he was the best dad in the whole world, no matter if he told he was going to pick me up to go out and he didn’t or he didn’t go to my birthday parties. I loved the times we spend together, just the two of us. But all of the sudden he met this woman and got married. I didn’t like that woman at all. We didn’t get along well and we still don’t. 

When I was nine years old, my dad came to the United States only to visit my little cousin in the hospital because she was being treated for cancer. Days later he called and said he was going to stay and look for a job because he thought he was going to have more opportunities over there. For me, this was the worst thing he could have ever done to me. I thought it was the worst decision he would ever made.  I cried almost every night for about 6 years. I missed him so much. We have so much in common. Seeing my friends calling their dads or playing with them was so devastating and made me so sad.

My dad has had many jobs since he moved. He has been climbing to the top. Every new job he had  was better than the other one. He started lifting boxes at a company and now he is a loan officer at Bank of America. He has received several recognitions from the bank. He is good at was he does. Because he moved here and got a good job, now I have better opportunities. I am studying in a very good university and I will have an international degree.

I would have never thought that the decision that my dad made, which was moving to the U.S.A., was going to open me so many doors for my future. And I used to think that that was the worst decision of his life.

Now seeing my own experience I can say that everything happens for a reason. What you see that is bad now, will end up being good for you in the future. 


Chris Duty said...

I like your belief that everything happens for a reason because its a belief that I think most people can relate to. The essay I found was very interesting to read beacuse the conflict and reassurance, finding the good in the bad. It seems to be an emotional piece of writing that involves the reader and gives them a personal relationship you, being the character in the story.

One point of negative critisim is I think think that you use the word "I" at the begining of sentences quite a few times.

dr.mason said...

Overall, I think the story here has a good arc to it, going from being together in Venezuela, to apart, to back together in the US. I wish we learned a little bit more about your father which might help us see how this decision affected him as well. A critical event like the phone call telling you he was staying in the US seems like a part of the story that could really be developd into soemthing interesting and meaningful.

I think there's a danger in this kind of story where readers might feel you're being a bit self-centered when the reason that everything is happening is so that good things happen to you. You have to be careful not to suggest that the only redeeming thing about your dad's move is that it ended up being good for you in the end.

I think you have a good opportunity to avoid such interpretataions by readers if you emphasize how good this has been for your dad as well, or perhaps how good it has been for your reltionship with your father (if that is true). Think about why opportunity was so important to him, and what being able to open doors for you may have meant to him.